Mojo marinade is a marinade widely used in Cuba to prepare a variety of meat, poultry and seafood dishes. Mojo marinade is also sometimes called mojito marinade, a diminutive version of the name. However, the name mojito in reference to the marinade has absolutely no relationship to the mojito cocktail. Hence, no rum or muddled mint leaves in it, folks.

Mojo marinade variations

There are many mojo marinade variations. Likely every household in Cuba has own mojo family recipe that features own unique spin on it. Some marinades include oil, some don’t. The ingredients, as well as proportions, also vary from recipe to recipe. What goes into mojo marinade is also determined by what the marinade will be used on. Fattier meats, like pork, will call for less or no oil in the marinade. Alternatively, lean poultry meat will benefit form the oil as it will protect it from drying out. The same is true for lean fish, beef and other meats.

The key ingredients of Mojo marinade

Well, there is only one key ingredient here. It’s the naranjas agrias, or sour orange, also called Seville orange.

It features a unique bitter taste that gives the marinade its characteristic taste. Seville oranges are native to Southeast Asia, but have been spread all over the world and often used in the production of marmalade, perfumes and flavorings.  Finding sour oranges can be problematic. These oranges in season during January, February and March. Some stores carry them so make sure to look for them. I know that, for example, Publix carries them. If you are in Canada, check out Metro that also carries them when they are in season.

Substitutes for sour oranges

Knowing that sour oranges can be hard to find I’ve learned to use a substitute. While not the same, the results have been excellent nevertheless. Thanks to a friend who was native to Cuba before and now lives in the US, I learned that a 1:1:1 ratio of lime, orange and grapefruit juice will give a pretty close approximation of the real deal. This is what I use in this recipe, unless I can find bitter oranges. You can also use a 2:1:1 ratio of orange juice, lime and lemon juice respectively. It’s a good substitute if you don’t have grapefruit on hand, but the mix will lack the desirable bitterness.


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