Many bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin recipes seem to have two things in common that I can’t force myself to agree with: use of generous amounts of sweeteners like brown sugar or honey and skipping pan-searing prior to roasting. For pork tenderloin to taste great it doesn’t need to be covered in a thick layer of honey glaze. I find that it overpowers meat and seasonings and ruins the flavor profile. I also find that subtle sweetness from onions, shallots or fruit, like peaches, is much more appropriate and interesting. If you up for a less sweet and more herb-y tenderloin, tender inside and with an an amazingly crisp bacon skin, try this recipe. You will love it. Now, bacon is always a welcome addition. The more the better. To an extent, of course. However, I think it’s a big mistake to wrap raw bacon around tenderloin and expect it to come out nice and crispy after a 20 minute bake in the oven. It never will! It will remain pale and rubbery. Some suggest using a broiler, but that’s a patch solution that will only result in dried out, even charred if not careful, top. The sides and the bottom will get no benefit. To get the bacon crispy you need to do some searing first. I’ve successfully use this method with Bacon-wrapped chicken breasts.

The solution? Wrap bacon around tenderloins and pan-sear on all sides until you get a beautiful, mouth-watering caramelization. Be careful not to overcook. One to two minutes, depending on how hot the pan is, on each side is sufficient. Then roast in the oven until the tenderloin is ready. For best results, use homemade bacon, it’s so much tastier, yet so easy to make.

For a touch of sweetness I like to use peaches, onions or shallots. In this recipe, I rubbed tenderloins with a mix that contains minced shallots. You don’t need a lot. Fresh thyme really complements pork, as do garlic and shallots.  I love this combination and the flavor profile they create.  

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